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Kids' Matinee: The Playmakers, Snow White & The Dazzle Dwarves, An Interactive Event Logo


Kids' Matinee: The Playmakers, Snow White & The Dazzle Dwarves, An Interactive Event

Dazzle @ The Arts Complex

1080 14th Street, Denver, CO

This event is All Ages

Join us and help bring our fractured fairy tale to life. In our whimsical version of Snow White, our dwarves are all musicians who live in an old, abandoned jazz nightclub called Dazzle, (sound familiar?). The audience finds themselves part of the show as our master storyteller picks willing audience members to come up on stage and play the musical dwarves as well as various other roles in the play. No one gets left out of the act because everyone helps from their seats with sound effects, gestures, and songs.

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